Online Genealogy Courses

If you are a complete novice to genealogy you may want to sit down and take an actual class or tutorial to help you know how to start. There are several classes available to help you begin your genealogy work. Additionally these may lead you down the path to become a certified genealogist. There are universities that offer a degree in genealogy or family history. One free class is offered through BYU’s online courses. Finding Your Ancestors is a free course. It provides two lessons that can be completed all at once or at different times. This class is designed … Continue reading

Relief Society: BYU’s Women’s Conference

Every year at the beginning of May BYU puts on a Women’s Conference. It is a short two-day conference that takes place on campus. This year the conference is April 20 and May 1, 2009. Additionally there are service projects that you can participate in while you attend the conference. This year the projects will be set up in rooms where you can also watch different class presentations while you serve. This conference has many presentations that focus on living the gospel and helping your family. The presentations are always uplifting and may offer spiritual insight into doctrine or they … Continue reading

BYU 2007 Education Week

As many of you may know this week was Education Week at BYU. This is a time when BYU hosts many workshops and inspirational speakers. The classes go all day long, all week long and cover many different aspects of life. People from all over the world attend this activity each year. It is a time to truly grow spiritually. Everyone should hear the messages, but not everyone has the opportunity to attend. Since the messages are so beneficial to the members of the church, you can watch rebroadcasts of a selection of the talks that are available. If you … Continue reading

Putting Your Goodies to Use

Last week, we talked a little bit about some downloads available at the LDS website. The simplest and most obvious uses include saving them onto your computer, playing them on your MP3 player, or burning them onto a CD in your car. However, I’d like to suggest a couple of alternate uses. Traveling magazines on CDs for your kids – Recently, with all of the traveling we do, I’ve been getting books on CD for my children to listen to in the car. I was amazed last week to realize that the Friend was downloadable. Since we already subscribe to … Continue reading

Top 10 Ways to Tell You’re an LDS Technogeek

After we hooked up my laptop to the television so that we could watch General Conference at home via the Internet, I concluded that my husband and I are both something of a technogeek. Surely I’m not the only person afflicted with this condition. To help others suffering from similar afflictions to identify themselves, I have put together a list. Sadly, I can easily check off most of these as occurring in my life. I even have a few blogs on the subjects at hand! So here it is; the top ten ways you can tell if you, too, are … Continue reading

Do You BYU – Online?

Years ago, my husband and I made the switch from cable to satellite for two reasons. One of them – the primary one for my husband – was the BYU channel. Some time has passed, our lives have changed, we’ve moved, and satellite is not accessible to us. However, while we were trying to set up our computers to watch General Conference online this weekend, I learned something important – you can watch the BYU channel online, as well! There are two methods you can use; you can watch live TV or you can watch shows that have previously played. … Continue reading

Did You Miss Conference?

Yesterday, we talked about some great steps towards growing from General Conference. However, what if you were unable to attend all four (or five, if you are a priesthood holder) sessions? This is one of those things that I love about the world we live in today – technology. In fact, some of this technology enabled me to keep my three kids (all under the age of six) from terrorizing everyone else during Conference this weekend. There are so many ways that we can listen to Conference today. Audio archives of General Conference are already available on MP3. For more … Continue reading

BYU Broadcast – What a Resource!

As much as I love the Internet and the possibilities it brings, I find myself constantly amazed at just how much stuff you can really find online. I knew about the church website, and the ability to download Conference and other talks (most notably the Relief Society and Young Women’s annual meetings). But a friend of mine recently clued me in on another site I hadn’t thought to seek out – BYU Broadcast. I actually went to the BYU radio page in search of the talks about Isaiah she had told me existed. But the more I explored, the more … Continue reading

RootsTech 2013 has a New “Developer Day”

RootsTech 2013 will be doing something brand new. They are having a “Developer Day”. It will take place on March 22, 2012. Genealogy and technology have combined in many ways, and RootsTech provides a collaborative environment for both genealogists and the developers of the technology that genealogists use. RootsTech 2013 is going to take place on March 21, March 22, and March 23 of 2013. This time, they are doing something that they have never done before. There will be a “Developer Day” held on March 22, 2012. It will include a series of presentations that will be of interest … Continue reading

Family Tree Magazine Picks 101 Best Websites of 2010

There are a plethora of genealogy related websites out there, and you cannot possibly test out all of them yourself. Sometimes, it’s nice to get an expert opinion about which sites are good, which are only okay, and which are so bad that they should be avoided completely. Family Tree Magazine came up with a list of their picks for the top 101 genealogy websites. Family Tree Magazine was founded in 1999. It is America’s #1 family history magazine. It covers a variety of topics that would be of interest to genealogists, from tips for genealogy research, to ideas for … Continue reading